Top 10 Deadliests Weapons of Hindu God



  • Weapons are nothing new in today's world. It is being used since ancient times. And today's weapons and earlier weapons have one thing in common: both are used to defeat enemies.
  • In the present scenario weapons are readily being used for dominance and acquiring powerful positions globally. Earlier, weapons were used to defend the kingdoms and protect the people of reign.
  • There are many such dangerous weapons in Hinduism, which are claimed by Hindu Gods as given to the Yogya Yoddha's and Yogya Kings making them saviors and chariots of the realm. And this weapon has the power to destroy the whole world. These weapons can only be acquired through long meditation and practice.
  • Many such weapons have been described very deeply in Ramayana and Mahabharata. Behind this many weapons have their own truth and story which connects with the forces of the universe.

So let's talk about the deadly weapon of the Hindu God who has the power to destroy the world in a second.

  • As you guys have been hearing about this weapon for a long time in Mahabharata and Ramayana. So let's know what is this weapon.
  • Brahmastra is the deadliest weapon created by Brahmadev. Its specialty was that it could kill its enemy in one go and could also defeat many weapons. It was also a weapon that provided armor along with Brahmastra. Brahmastra could be possessed only by those who are very yogic human beings.
  • There were such great warriors in Mahabharata and Ramayana, Shri Rama, Lakshmana, Vishwamitra who was the guru of Shri Rama, Indrajit, Ravana, Parashurama, Pitamaha Bhishma, Guru Drona, Karna, Acharya Kripa, Ashwatthama only could have to keep it.
  • Pashupatastra is the weapon of Shiva, the god of destruction. Like Shiva, his weapon is also very destructive for the whole world.
  • He summons a large number of demons and dead spirits and destroys his enemy with his cruelty. Once it is invoked, It cannot be withdrawn and this makes Pashupatastra more dangerous.
  • At the time of its invocation, the sky turns dark and the disc and countless arrows shoot out of the sky without stopping so that the enemy does not have a chance to do anything. Narayanastra destroys everything before the enemy can do anything.
  • In the Mahabharata, this weapon was received by Dronacharya as the blessing of Narayan, which later Ashwatthama got from Dronacharya and Ashwatthama used this weapon on the Pandava's army.


  • Barbarik is known as the son of Ghatotkacha and the grandson of Bhima. It is said that the three arrows of Barbarik were given to him by Lord Shiva. The special thing about this arrow was that its aim was infallible and three arrows could destroy anything in the whole world.
  • The process of releasing this arrow was that As soon as the first arrow fired, he aimed at his target. The second arrow, he used to target only those who had to be saved. And the third arrow, which was the destroyer, was used to kill all those who were to die. And later these three arrows used come back in search of him.
  • In the Mahabharata, the three arrows of Barbarik have been described a little. And Barbarik used this weapon to please Shri Krishna.

  • This is another dangerous weapon of Shiva. Its specialty is that it has three sharp blades in its mouth, which shatter enemies in an instant. This is such an infallible weapon, once it is used, no one can stop it except Shiva.
  • Shiva keeps the Trishul weapon with him and this weapon is always in his right hand.


  • You must have heard about Sudarshan Chakra many times and seen in many pictures that this weapon always revolves around the pointer finger of the right hand of Lord Vishnu.
  • This is the most beloved and famous chakra of Lord Vishnu and it always stays with him. This weapon was made by Vishwakarma. It has 108 blades on its corner.
  • The specialty of this weapon is that it is infallible and once invoked it separates the head of enemies from the body. In the Mahabharata, Shri Krishna invoked the Sudarshan Chakra against Shishupala.
    7. PARASHU
  • This weapon is made of wood and has a sharp blade. This makes this weapon more lethal and its use destroys the enemy. Parashu Astra always stays with ShriParashurama.
  • Wherever Shri Parashurama goes, he takes this weapon with him. For this reason, fear would have settled in the minds of the enemies of Shri Parashurama. And this is also one of the reasons why he was also very angry.

  • Devraj Indra is the god of weather. Vajra is the weapon of Devraj Indra. It is also one of the most dangerous weapons like any other weapon. He kills his enemy with a lightning bolt.
  • In the Mahabharata period, only Arjuna had this great weapon. And Arjuna was the son of Devraj Indra. Devraj Indra gave this weapon to his son to fight in the war of Mahabharata.

  • This is another weapon that was created by Brahma Dev. It was created to completely eliminate the Asur race.
  • Its special thing was that the Brahmashirsha weapon was 4 times more powerful than the Brahmastra. i.e. 1 Brahmashirsha = 4 Brahmastras.
  • In the Mahabharata period, Dronacharya, Arjuna, Karna, and Ashwatthama used to come to invoke it. And out of these only Karna had the knowledge to invoke and withdraw, Karna got the knowledge of his entire weapon from Guru Pashuram.

  • As you know that Guru Parashurama was the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. And this is also like our Hindu religion God and people also worship him. So they also could make and destroy weapons.
  • The weapon of Bhargavastra is more dangerous than Indrastra. This weapon has the power to destroy the entire planet at once. Bhargavastra was made during the Mahabharata period and it was Guru Pashurama who swore it.
  • Karna was also the same [who was the son of Surya] while making this weapon. Guru Parashurama gave this weapon to Karna, given his art.



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